Tuesday, August 26

I totally won, Yay!

I am so excited I am about to burst out of my seams!!! I actually won something...I commented on TAMN's Moprah's contest and won....yay!

Check it out...from her own blog:

Oh my lands!! 749 comments, guys? Seriously!?! That's like as many dudes I smooched before JJWT! J/k, babe, j/k. But frills, who wants to know the gIvEawAy winnerz??! Yay!

dddddddddddddddddddddddrrrrrrrrrrrrrummmmmmrolllll...betcha these winners have fasted for like months.The cute kids bracelet and $20 in bows from Kidcessories goes to Lauren who said "I so need to win...cuz I'm like the best momommy out there!" Even better now that your kids have bows n such! Yay!

to visit TAMN: http://seriouslysoblessed.blogspot.com/

Love It...so we'll see...


Lauren said...

What do u think Steph and Val!

Melanie said...

Lauren!!! You are so lucky! Congrats on the win! Can't wait to see what you get.

Stephanie said...

I'm so proud of you Lauren... you are way blessed!

Lauren said...

I know, right...like way blessed!!