Wednesday, November 5

Crazy 8...

"This is a great day for marriage. The people of California stood up for traditional marriage and reclaimed this great institution. We are gratified that voters chose to protect traditional marriage and to enshrine its importance in the state constitution. We trust that this decision will be respected by all Californians...."to read more...

I am so grateful for this opportunity that our family had to join together with other families whose beliefs were parellel to ours on this important issue. It really strengthened our testimonies to see all who believed in this come together at such an important time. It gave our family another chance to discuss Heavenly Father's plan for us and our role here as a woman and a man, a mother and a father. At first I was a little apprehensive about discussing this issue to my 5 and 6 yr olds, but as time went on and the race became bigger and stronger, I felt it needed to be taught and discussed with them...See Dalen's thoughts...I am so glad to have been a huge part in this well organized yes on 8 campaign. I learned so much and I was able to use my talents and strengths for a good cause. I had the chance to donate money and time to this campaign, speak up to a group of volunteer moms at school when they were dogging our campaign commercials, make calls on behalf of the yes on 8 campaign, waive signs (in the rain) --(Mormon batallion?), AND drive around with my bumper sticker and lawn sign stuck proudly on my car, I felt scared with each new thing but then I would remember my promise to our Heavenly Father to take upon us His name. I am so grateful to have had the chance to do my part in protecting marriage.

Families Rock!

This morning...hurt feelings never our intention...

The mormon missionary...Too far?


Mattson Family said...

Good for you Lauren! I wish we all had the faith and strength that you showed throughout this process. You are a great example. Love ya!!

Erica said...

So did you get a lot of backlash from anyone in the neighborhood? Who threw the signs on your lawn? It must have been hard when your husband goes around with a No on 8 sign!!! Good job Josh!?!?!?


Lauren said...

BJ- well we had one sign on our lawn thru the whole campaign but the night before election we waived signs on the corner intersection and ended up with a handful of extra signs, so they were only out one day but got trashed that night...we found the No on 8 sign and took it home!