Friday, May 1

About us...

  • What are your middle names? Andrea and Kent-figure it out
  • How long have you been together? 81/2 yrs
  • How long did you know each other before you started dating? 4 years
  • Who asked who out? I asked Josh out Ha!
  • How old are each of you? I am 27 and Josh is 29.
  • Whose siblings do you see the most? Josh's half sibs maybe once or twice a year...
  • Do you have any children? 4
  • What about pets? Lots of Fish!
  • Did you go to the same school? Royal High Yes...Moorpark College yes...
  • Are you from the same home town? SIMI
  • Who is smarter? uh...Josh...
  • Who is more sensitive? both...
  • Where do you eat out most as a couple? BJ's, Macaroni Grill,
  • Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Here and there in Europe and Africa...
  • Who has the craziest exes? Probly Josh...
  • Who has the worst temper? Me
  • Who does the cooking? Me
  • Who is more social? Me
  • Who is the neat-freak? Me with the house, Josh with our room
  • Who is more stubborn? Josh
  • Who hogs the bed? Me
  • Who wakes up earlier? Josh
  • Where was your first date?Movies, XMen, and dessert at TGIF's
  • Who has the bigger family? Josh
  • Do you get flowers often? 2-3 times a year
  • How do you spend the holidays? with family and friends
  • Who is more jealous? Josh
  • How long did it take to get serious? engaged after 2 monthes, married 3 monthes after that...
  • Who eats more? This is embarrasing but I could easily eat more especially when pregnant...
  • Who does the laundry? Me
  • Who’s better with the computer? Me
  • Who drives when you are together? Usually Josh,

I tag all bloggers.


Jamie said...

Very fun!

avalusek said...

Love this!!!