Tuesday, July 14

Free Water

LoVe tHiS SpRaY PaRk

LeXi oUr LiTtLe FiSh...she went right for the water

DeVeOn OuR LiTtLe ClImBeR...stayed high and dry for as long as he could

see him climbing here...

DaLeN oUr LitTlE BiT oF EvErYtHiNg BoY...played with everyone


Tami said...

So cute! Hopefully my kiddos will like this cool park soon! I had fun in it myself today, and stayed cool (which was the point of course)

Lauren said...

It was fun...I think I'll dress better next time too...

Stephanie said...

your free water park is better than ours!

Lauren said...

where is it in simi?