Sunday, November 1

Lexi at Gold Coast Grand Finals

This Photo was a "Cover Girl" runner-up
This photo won 'Character Centerfold' that made me laugh...

This photo won for 'Best Family Photo'
And my album won 'Portfolio' in her division...{so I guess I won that...}

She placed 2nd Runner up in her 'Costume Wear' Modeling Competition as 'Poodle Polly' She was so cute up there doing all her little routines...but let me tell you there are some pros out there and they are only 4 and 5 yrs old! Each modeling competiton had one winner and two runner-ups so Lexi could've been close each time to making court...

Poodle Polly... modeled to "Lollipop" 2nd runner-up

Sailor Girl... modeled to "Beyond the Sea" from Finding Nemo

Miss Swimwear... modeled to "Hot Hot Hot" by Sebastian

Cowgirl... modeled to Miley's "Hoedown Throwdown" {picture from Trunk or Treat cause it was a better picture of the costume..}

Pirate Princess/RockStar... modeled to Demi Lovato's "LaLaLand" {sad to report not pictured due to People Magazine taking pictures of her in this adorable outfit for their upcoming Pageant expose, I forgot to take my own pics...Ughhh}


Here she is in her Beauty Wear. She did so good...she just sparkled up there on the stage and I was so proud of her...

There were 17 girls and she made it into the top ten and won Best Hair and Best Charmer {which is judged on beauty and personality} along with her photo awards... Here's the adorable little girl that won her division {she was featured on one of the Toddlers and Tiaras episodes...then click on page 6...}

This is Lexi after a weekend of Hairspray fumes...and the hair, well that's what you get
hairspray + curling irons = 1 frizzy mess
Heads up for Toddlers and Tiaras Season 3, they were following a girl who was in Lexi's divison named 'Diamond' {lot's of Drama}so we'll have to watch when it's on to see if we see Lexi in the background...and as fun as that may have sounded to have toddlers there taping, they got annoying pretty quick...but it was fun to see behind the scenes...
There's a small pageant coming up on Nov 21st and I think we'll do that...funny enough the boys want to see her in a pageant!


Robert and Bethany said...

Can I just tell you how adorable she is! Oh my goodness, keep the boys away from her forever! She looks just like you, it's insane! When I start my etsy page I'll send you the link. I need to make more stuff. I love the little bows you do. I really hope I'm having a girl so I can put cute bows on her!

Mattson Family said...

what a doll! Keep us posted on the People Magazine And T&T stuff so we can look for her!