Sunday, November 1

Primary Program 2009

Lexis - CTR 5

'I am a Spirit Child of Heavenly Father'

Deveon - CTR 6

'I have a responsibility to obey my parents. I obey my parents by doing what they tell me too'

Dalen - CTR 8

'The third article of faith states; We believe that through the atonement of Christ all mankind may be saved by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel'


Gramdubois said...

I am so proud of all of you. Wish I could have been there to see your Primary program. Love you, Grandma Dubois.

Stephanie said...

is there no sunbeam class? noah looks so big in the picture, so cute!!cute little fam fam!

Lauren said...

barely...she goes back and forth...first they had a sunbeam class but there are only two active so then they placed them with the 5's and I think that's was where she was when they did the program {last month} but I think she might be back with a teacher in sunbeams...??? I must have just typed that cause that was what i thought of first...