Monday, July 28

Hurry, Hide Your Nakedness

So I was scrapbooking at Tami's the other night and Josh calls me at like 11:45pm to ask if I was coming home cause he was getting ready to leave for work...I was like OMGosh...totally lost track of time...he also asks me if I knew why there was a helicopter outside?...No but now I'm scared...Tami and I look outside and see it off in the distance, but it seems far...I do a ferenzic clean up of scrapbook stuff...throwing everything anywhere...I'm hurrying since Josh is leaving and now my kids are going to be home alone, Tami only lives a street over...but as I'm driving down the street to turn onto the cross street that connects our streets, I see cop lights down at the end of the street that I'm on...I decide to go see what's up...I ask Mr. Cop, "should I be scared...?" Mr. Cop: "oh, no, just a report of a Naked Middle Eastern Man in the neighborhood" I say: "oh, okay..." I race home and shine the brights on my house to make sure no lurkies...phew...nothing...made sure noone was inside...scary...I don't know what happened...but I definitely saind my prayers and slept with Lexi that night...

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I like 'Mr.cop" in this version of the story. Very nice!