My Future 1st Grader...Here's Deveon's Kindergarten memories...
My Future 2nd Grader Mr. Dalen...Daddy was driving off slowly so he's pretty mad by now...why are daddy's such bullies!?
Dalen's school work from the year...
Open House with the Family
Art Show that I was involved in...This year I was the art docent volunteer for Dalen's classroom...Each month I would give an art lesson and then help them create a work of art using different mediums using the Art Docent Program as our guide.
Different techniques they used throughout the year were: Collage with tissue paper & liquid starch; crayon rubbings; mixing paint colors; oil pastels...
You call me a bully, but you're the one that took a picture of him while we slowly drove away.
Ha!!! maybe I'll teaCH you how to create an account or are you chicken???
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